
Hixie's Natural Log

2006-11-10 01:30 UTC Investing in the Fruit Company

How times have changed. Years ago, I teased Hyatt for his decision to work for Apple (on what people later found out was Safari). Today, I have a Mac Mini as my alarm clock (and as the back end for my model railway control panel), an Apple Cinema Display as my entertainment center, a Powerbook as my main laptop, and I pour tons of cash down mouth of the iTunes Store every month in order to stay up to date with all my favourite TV shows. When I'm in San Francisco, I feel compelled to visit the Apple store. Of all the stores I went to in Zurich, the first one was an Apple store. I watch Apple keynotes like a cult member. My presentations are done using iWork.

Today, I added to my collection; FedEx delivered me my new shiny black 80GB portable hard disk (with colour screen). I believe the term used for these hard disks is "iPod".

I've long been skeptical of the idea of watching TV on the tiny iPod screen, but I have to say, it's not that bad, especially for watching things like Strong Bad's e-mails. I'm not saying I'd watch Stargate on my iPod, but still.