
Hixie's Natural Log

2021-11-20 04:05 UTC Assertions

We're pretty aggressive about assertions in the Flutter framework.

There's several reasons for this.

The original reason was that when I wrote a bunch of this code, I had nowhere for it to run. I literally wrote the first few thousand(?) lines of framework code before we had the Dart compiler and Skia hooked up. Because of this, I had no way to test it, and so the only way I had to sanity check what I was doing was to be explicit about all the invariants I was assuming. Once we eventually ran that code, it was invaluable because it meant that many mistakes I'd made were immediately caught, rather than lingering in the core only for us to discover years later that some basic assumption of the whole system was just wrong.

Those asserts also ended up being useful when we extended the framework, because they helped catch mistakes we were making in new code. For example, the render object system has many assumptions about what order things are run in and what must be decided when. It's really helpful when creating a new RenderObject subclass for the system to flag any mistakes you might make in terms of violating those invariants.

Similarly, when Adam did the widgets layer rewrite, he made liberal use of asserts to verify invariants, basically to prove to ourselves that the new model was internally consistent.

We rely on these asserts in the tests, too. Many tests are just "if we put the lego bricks in this order, does anything throw an exception?". That only works because of the sheer number of asserts we have, verifying the internal logic at every step.

Anyway, because of how successful this was internally, we also started using them even more to catch mistakes in code that's _using_ the framework. Hopefully these are helpful. Now days we try to make the asserts have useful error messages when we think that they might report an error you'll run into.

Should you be doing the same in your own code?

It's really a personal preference. Personally I find that documenting every assumption and invariant using asserts is hugely helpful to my own productivity. It's like writing tests: having comprehensive test coverage gives you much more confidence that things are correct. It also really helps when you do code refactors: if you change some class somewhere to work a different way, the asserts and tests for the rest of the code will tell you quickly if anything you did breaks some requirement of the overall system.

On the other hand, some people find that the benefits of tests and asserts are not offset by the amount of time spent writing them, debugging issues they bring up, and so on. They'll point to the fact that sometimes asserts and tests are wrong, and you can spend hours debugging a failure only to find that the only error is in the test/assert logic itself. People who prefer not to have tests and asserts typically rely more on black-box testing or QA testing (running the app and testing it directly). There's certainly a strong argument to be made that testing the actual app is a better use of your time since that's what your customers will actually be using.

This was originally posted as a comment on reddit.