
Hixie's Natural Log

2004-02-10 19:28 UTC OperaShow Generator

One of the great things about working in the Technology and Research department at Opera is that I get to play with all kinds of new gadgets and technologies. For example, last week one of our embedded device customers said that one of our competitors had tested Opera against their browser and found Opera was slower, and Opera was asked to prove that this was not the case, so Herman and I were yanked out of our normal routine and told to test the two products all day until we had an exhaustive analysis of the two browsers' pros and cons. (We quite happily obliged, showing that over GPRS, on the test pages that the competitor in question had used, we out-performed them in page load performance by seconds, sometimes dozens of seconds, and sometimes sheer orders of magnitude — not to mention that said competitor had no DOM support, ridiculously limited CSS support reminiscent of desktop browsers from the late 1990s, and so forth.)

One of the technologies Opera is quite proud of is our CSS media handling. There are internal versions of Opera that handle handheld, tv, screen, projection, print, and even speech. And some of these modes have fallbacks, for example if a page is viewed in handheld mode but has no handheld style, it will fall back on the SSR (Small Screen Rendering) view.

We also have lovely "content adaption" mechanisms — for example in some builds you can enable MSR (Medium Screen Rendering) mode, and then Opera will adapt the formatting of the page to fit your window. I should point out that this is not at all standards compliant, but it isn't supposed to be: its purpose is to handle the cases where the page wasn't designed for the device in question, and would be unreadable if displayed per the specs. Authors who target these devices can rely on standards-based rendering, since MSR won't trigger unless the page doesn't fit.

One of the medias that Opera supports which no-one else yet supports is projection. (Mozilla doesn't yet support this, it's bug 120398.) When you switch to full-screen mode, Opera switches from using your screen styles to your projection styles. This would be of very limited use, if it wasn't for the fact that the projection media is a paged media type, much like print, so properties like page-break-after work!

This lets you do slide shows in HTML with no JavaScript and no :target hacks, which is pretty cool. Håkon (my boss) wrote a little script that will let you make a three-page presentation without even touching the markup. As an added bonus, it even embeds the images you specify using data: URIs, so the page is completely self-contained.

I played around with it and came up with this cute little presentation.

2004-02-01 22:19 UTC Mozbot 2.6 candidate builds

If you use mozbot, I urge you to update to the latest development version. Assuming no blockers are found, I hope to release version 2.6 in a few weeks.

Here is a summary of the changes since the release of mozbot 2.4:

You can get the full change log from bonsai.

Please let me know if you find any bugs. (If you can't catch me online, file a bug.) Thanks!

2004-01-27 22:21 UTC Allowing innovation in obscure parts of specifications

We had our (hopefully) final CSS2.1 Editors teleconference today, resolving the last few CSS2.1 issues that were raised during Last Call. At last count we had about 272 separate issues. We still have to actually edit the document, and send out replies and check that everyone who raised an issue is happy with our decisions, but it is a milestone nonetheless.

The last issue we addressed was related to an issue we resolved early on in the process. (We haven't yet sent out the e-mail reply on this issue. We will be doing so at some point relatively soon.) Some time ago, fantasai questioned whether :first-letter should match the contents of :before pseudo-elements. After some debate, the working group decided that CSS2 was clear on this, and that the main case fantasai had raised (the case of counters in generated content) was solved by taking list item markers out of :before. (We agreed that the first digit of the number in a list item shouldn't be styled like a first letter.)

Thus it was decided to leave the draft as is, but to make an editorial clarification in the draft to the effect that :first-letter should never match list markers. Simple enough, we thought. However, when it came to trying to write the actual text to go into the specification, it became clear that we weren't all sure what we had agreed to! In particular, what should happen when you have a list item marker with list-style-position: inside?

Before deciding on particular rules, we thought we should check what implementations did. I wrote a simple test case:

<html lang="en">
  <style type="text/css">
   li { list-style-position: inside; }
   li.a:first-letter { color: blue; font-size: 2em }
   li.b:first-letter { color: blue; font-size: 2em; float: left; }
   <li class="a"> TESTA </li>
   <li class="b"> TESTB </li>

What do browsers do with this?

Amaya 8.2

Both list items are unstyled, with a small vertical teal bar at the end of the second.

Doesn't support :first-letter at all.

Konqueror 3.1

Both list items are unstyled.

Doesn't support much of :first-letter in the first place, and doesn't do anything with the :first-letter on this test.

MacIE 5

Both list items are unstyled.

Tantek says he couldn't work out how to handle this case, so Tasman (the MacIE rendering engine) just bails if you try to set :first-letter on a list item with list-style-position: inside.

WinIE 6

Both numbers are styled, both Ts are styled, the "ESTA" text is baseline-aligned with the first "1.T" text, and the "ESTB" text is top aligned with the "2.T" text.

Applies the :first-letter styles to both the marker and the T. This is probably within the allowed renderings of CSS2, and is readable. Unfortunately, it applies the styling to the numbers, which the working group agreed was not desirable.

Mozilla 1.6


The "TESTA" text is all blue and large, the "TESTB" is unstyled, and there is a lone "T" on the next line.

After a reflow:

The "TESTA" text is still all blue and large, but the second line, while still unstyled, now only says "ESTB". There is still a lone "T" on the next line.

Mozilla's rendering is where things start getting silly. The :first-letter style is getting applied to the entire first line, and the T on the second line appears twice! If you reflow the page (for example, resize it, or change the font zoom) then the unstyled T vanishes, leaving the first letter on the next line. Not, the working group decided, the most optimal of renderings.

Opera 7.50

The numbers are unstyled, both Ts are styled, the "ESTA" code is baseline-aligned with the rest of the first line, the "2." text is bottom aligned with the second T, and the "ESTB" text is top aligned with the second T, with a horizontal offset of a few pixels.

We couldn't work out exactly what Opera was doing. The first line's rendering makes sense, but the second is quite odd. At no point in the discussion did we ever consider that there might be more than one baseline for the unstyled parts of the rendering.

Safari 1.1

The first T is styled with the rest of the line unstyled. The second line reads "T 2. ESTB", with the T styled and drop-capped.

This is probably the most accurate rendering in terms of CSS2, but it is as unreadable as the Mozilla rendering. The float property on the second line's :first-letter is acting exactly like a float, going all the way to the left of the line and pushing the other content. This is somewhat at odds with what the working group really intended float to mean on a :first-letter pseudo-element, namely "make a drop-cap".

Our conclusion? Well, we don't want to force UAs to have to render something in a typographically poor manner, but yet at the same time we don't have any idea what the right way to render this is. All the ideas we could come up with were flawed in some way. So instead, we took the cop-out solution:

UAs may ignore ':first-letter' on list items with 'list-style-position: inside'.

Making this a "may" instead of a "must" means that user agents are still free to try to do something useful in this case, so if someone does manage to find a useful rendering, they can implement it.

2004-01-22 14:33 UTC Error handling and XML

In my last post I explained what Web specification authors should do with respect to error handling, in my opinion.

What about Web browser implementors and XML?

There is a lot of debate in Web log comments, mailing lists, and forums, about what Web browsers should do. There really shouldn't be. The spec is very clear about this.

As a Web browser implementor, you have two options:

  1. The moment you hit a well-formedness error, replace the entire page with an error message.
  2. The moment you hit a well-formedness error, discard everything from that point on, and display what you got so far, with an error message.

There is no other option. If your browser does anything else, it is violating the specifications. If people want XML to do something else, then they should invent their own language with its own rules — but if you use XML, the above two scenarios are the only allowable scenarios.

(Actually there are a couple of other options, but really they are just variants of the above. First, you are allowed to report more than one error, so long as you don't do anything with any of the content after the first error except for reporting errors. Second, you are also allowed to complain about more than just well-formedness errors: if you are a validating parser you can check for validity as well. For performance and other reasons, these options are never really workable for Web browsers.)

2004-01-22 00:09 UTC Error handling and Web language design

I've been following the recent burst of posts about whether XML should have required that Web browsers stop processing upon hitting an error (as it does) or whether it should have let Web browsers recover from errors in vendor-specific ways (like HTML does) with some amusement, because asking the question in this yes/no form misses the point:

There is a third, better option.

Since a lot of people don't really understand the problem here, I'm going to give some background.

What's the point of a specification? It is to ensure interoperability, so that authors get the same results on every product that supports the technology.

Why would we ever have to worry about document errors? Murphy said it best:

If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.

Authors will write invalid documents. This is something that most Web developers, especially developers who understand the specs well enough to understand what makes a document invalid, do not really understand. Ask someone who does HTML/CSS quality assurance (QA) for a Web browser, or who has written code for a browser's layout engine. They'll go on at length about the insanities that they have seen, but the short version is that pretty much any random stream of characters has been written by someone somewhere and been labelled as HTML.

Why is this a problem? Because Tim Berners Lee, and later Dan Connolly, when they wrote the original specs for HTML and HTTP, did not specify what should happen with invalid documents. This wasn't a problem for the first five or so years of the Web.

At the start, there was no really dominant browser, so browsers presumably just implemented the specs and left the error handling to chance or convenience of the implementor. After a few years, though, when the Web started taking off, Netscape's browser soared to a dominant position. The result was that Web authors all pretty much wrote their documents using Netscape. Still no problem really though: Netscape's engineers didn't need to spend much time on error handling, so long as they didn't change it much between releases.

Then, around the mid-nineties, Microsoft entered the scene. In order to get users, they had to make sure that their browser rendered all the Web pages in the World Wide Web. Unfortunately, at this point, it became obvious that a large number of pages (almost all of them in fact) relied in some way on the way Netscape handled errors.

Why did pages depend on Netscape's error handling? Because Web developers changed their page until it looked right in Netscape, with absolutely no concern for whether the page was technically correct or not. I did this myself, back when I made my first few sites. I remember reading about HTML4 shortly after that become a W3C Recommendation and being shocked at my ignorance.

So, Microsoft reversed engineered Netscape's error handling. They did a ridiculously good job of it. The sheer scale of this feat is awe-inspiring. Internet Explorer reproduces aspects of Netscape's error handling which nobody at Netscape ever knew existed. Think about this for a minute.

Shortly after, Microsoft's browser became dominant and Netscape's browser was reduced to a minority market share. Other browsers entered the scene; Opera, Mozilla (the rewrite of the Netscape codebase), and Konqueror (later to be used as the base for Safari) come to mind, as they are still in active development. And in order to be usable, these browsers have to make sure they render their pages just like Internet Explorer, which means handling the errors in the same way.

Browser developers and layout engine QA engineers spend probably more than half their total work hours debugging invalid markup trying to work out what obscure aspect of the de facto error handling rules are being used to obtain the desired rendering. More than half!

It's easy to see why Web browser developers tend to be of the opinion that for future specifications, instead of having to reverse engineer the error handling behaviour of whatever browser happens to be the majority browser, errors should just cause the browser to abort processing.

Summary of the argument so far: Authors will write invalid content regardless. If the specification doesn't say what should happen, then once there is a dominant browser, its error handling (whether intentionally designed or just a side-effect of the implementation) will become the de facto standard. At this point, there is no going back, any new product that wants to interoperate has to support those rules.

So what is the better solution? Specifications should explicitly state what the error recovery rules are. They should state what the authors must not do, and then tell implementors what they must do when an author does it anyway.

This is what CSS1 did, to a large extent (although it still leaves much undefined, and I've been trying to make the rules for handling those errors clearer in CSS2.1 and CSS3). This is what my Web Forms 2.0 proposal does. Specifications should ensure that compliant implementations interoperate, whether the content is valid or not.

Note that all this is moot if you use XML 1.x, because XML specifies that well-formedness errors should be fatal. So if you don't want to have this behaviour in your language, don't use XML.

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